Product ClassMap SeeAlso

From Limno
Revision as of 13:57, 17 July 2009 by Limno (talk | contribs) (New page: See_Also.txt <pre> Please follow this link to the files: There you will find 6 files (as of 15Jan2009) Since the browser only ...)
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Please follow this link to the files:

There you will find 6 files (as of 15Jan2009) 

Since the browser only shows the first 19 characters
of each filename, this is the listing (below).


       222 Apr 11  2008 LBA_Amaz_Wtld_Mask_3arcsec.tfw
 864192373 Apr 11  2008 LBA_Amaz_Wtld_Mask_3arcsec.tif
     33792 Jan 15  2009 LBA_Amaz_Wtld_Mask_Basinwide_description.doc
    157696 Aug 20  2007 Basinwide_wetmask_thumb.tif.doc
   1708408 Feb 24  2004 Basinwide_wetmask_thumb.tif
    136637 Jan 16  2009 Basinwide_wetmask_thumb_tiny.gif

The mask image is a GeoTIFF and MUST be downloaded together with its .tfw file
to retain its georeferencing.

The thumb.tif file is just a browse image and is of drastically reduced resolution
compared to the actual data image.

15Jan2009 MGB updates:

The older version of the Basinwide wetmask has been stashed at

The 25tplus version of the wetmask was stored here; that was a mistake
and has been removed from this dir.  The 25tplus versions were never intended
for release.

LH's 11April2008 version of the Basinwide Wetmask has been copied to 
this directory upon her recomendation.  This version is an upgrade of the
August2004 version.  This is geotiff.  We are no longer offering a straight
raster array.

The browse tif filename has "thumb" added to emphasize its lower resolution.
An even smaller ...thumb_tiny.gif is offered for decorating the User_Guide.

This file, "See_Also.txt" is completely revised.