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(New page: = Amazon Basin Wetland Habitats Map = == Links == * LBA-DIS lba-eco data archive (here) ** instructions * local ICESS disk April 2008 final versions (here) * LC-07 ftp place for M.Gentr...)
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== Links ==
== Links ==
* LBA-DIS lba-eco data archive (here)
=== Wetlands Mask ===
** instructions  
* local ICESS disk April 2008 final versions (here)
* LBA-DIS lba-eco data archive  
* LC-07 ftp place for M.Gentry to pick up files for LBA-DIS (here)
** instructions [[HowTo_dwnld_wetmask | How to download the wetlands mask]]
** [[Product_ClassMap_SeeAlso | See_Also.txt]]
* local ICESS disk April 2008 final versions '''/home/data295/data185/lola/ftp/LBA_WETLANDS/'''
** That actually re-directs to (here)
* LC-07 ftp place for M.Gentry to pick up files for LBA-DIS  
** http://www.icess.ucsb.edu/LBA/archives/LC07/hess/GRL2008_LH3_25tmsk/
** which contains [[Product_ClassMap_SeeAlso | See_Also.txt]] re-directing to
** Using smb ("samba") from a PC:
*** '''\\Scully\mary\disk_links\data185\lola\ftp\LBA_WETLANDS'''
** which is ICESS disk '''/home/data303/LBA17/data251/LBA_web/products/amazon_basinwide'''
=== Wetlands Habitat Class Map ===
* LBA-DIS lba-eco data archive
** instructions (see [[HowTo_dwnld_wetmask | How to download the wetlands mask]] and substitute "Habitat" for "Mask" in search box
* local ICESS disk April 2008 final versions '''/home/data295/data185/lola/ftp/LBA_WETLANDS/'''
== Reprints ==
* The Wetlands Mask is described in ______________ (pdf)
* The Wetlands Habitat Class Map is described in _______________ (pdf)

Latest revision as of 12:52, 20 July 2009

Amazon Basin Wetland Habitats Map


Wetlands Mask


    • which is ICESS disk /home/data303/LBA17/data251/LBA_web/products/amazon_basinwide

Wetlands Habitat Class Map

  • LBA-DIS lba-eco data archive
  • local ICESS disk April 2008 final versions /home/data295/data185/lola/ftp/LBA_WETLANDS/


  • The Wetlands Mask is described in ______________ (pdf)
  • The Wetlands Habitat Class Map is described in _______________ (pdf)